Honokaa Seventh-day Adventist Church
Honokaa Seventh-day Adventist Church
To Restore the Image of God in Man
To Restore the Image of God in Man

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          Sabbath School  9:30am         Worship  11:00am

Honoka'a Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Mamane St & Ohelo St (Corner)

Po Box 550

Honokaa, Hi 96727

Phone: (808) 775-1534

Fax: (808) 775-1523

Google map preview


Sabbath Time

Place: Kamuela, HI

Start: 02:23 PM, Jul 26 2024

End: 02:22 PM, Jul 27 2024

John 14:1-3

(c) 2024 Honokaa Seventh-day Adventist Church.